The Town of Malton
In 1854, a railroad line was put through Malton, boosting business as business centered around rail towns in tat time period. The line was known as the Grand Trunk Railroad and allowed for easier shipping of goods to and from Malton. This line quickly made Malton no longer a township but a town.

Present Day Malton Town Site
By 1858 roughly 500 people lived in Malton including a shoemaker, wagon maker, carriage maker, saddler and a blacksmith. In the last half of the 19th century, however, the population began dwindling as Brampton became more and more popular with the construction of a court, jail, and poorhouse. The population in 1867 was down to 200, and the number of business was also down from 1858. There was, however, an increase in the number of hotels in the area.

The Malton Hotel at Four Corners

Allen's Store (1866)

Malton Railroad Station

Norman's Hardware (1946-1969)

Johnston home (1884)

First Church in Malton (1857-1953)
Grain elevators followed by a mill and coal plant were erected also in the 19th century, and an annual parade through Malton was a major event as Maltonians enjoyed a peaceful existence.
Scene from the Calithumpian Parade held on the First Saturday of August.
Scene 2 from the Calithumpian Parade held on the First Saturday of August.